
Which design principles, axioms, do we follow today? Principles such as "form follows function" or "less is more" were already formulated in the Bauhaus. But does form really have to be subordinate to function? In the work "Axiom" forms that are based on human movement are in the foreground. The function follows the form, which in turn follows natural forms - "function follows form - follows nature". Photographically captured, "frozen" human movements are transported into the objects in the design process. Craftsmanship and digital production go hand in hand.


Leda ring

Leda ring

From €79,00

2 colors available


Aoede bangle

Aoede bangle

From €129,00

2 colors available


Elara ring

Elara ring

From €79,00

2 colors available


Himalia ring

Himalia ring

From €79,00

2 colors available